Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Well, hello! Today is my birthday! I'm 54 and I've survived one year after my diagnosis of stage IV breast cancer. I am grateful for what seems a miracle of recovery. Last year, I spent my birthday in the hospital. Actually I spent 3 and a half months in that hospital recovering from the femur fracture caused by cancer and from the hand injury caused by doctors!

But I'm not complaining. Last year my daughter was told I would probably not live long. And I'm still here!
Today my daughter gave me a birthday card with the following quote on it:

"On the most important birthdays of all, I am glad to be able to be with you. More importantly, thank God you (me) are here, Birthdays take on a new meaning when you know they are now special gifts from above."

I couldn't have said it better. I thank God I'm still here and my birthday does indeed have a new special meaning!

This coming Friday I have a PET scan scheduled. I am praying that the results will be like the ones from February which showed that the cancer had stop growing and is now stable.

All in all a lot to be grateful for.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Ok today was my second time at the YMCA working out with the class. On Tuesday I did 6 minutes in the stepper, threadmill and bicycle and today I did 10 minutes on each, so 4 more minutes. I also added 20 leg curls.

Also, a friend of the family bought for us an elliptical machine and on the days I don't go to the Y I'll be exercising on it. I need to loose wait not only because I am overweight but because I know that fat cells produce hormones which feed the cancer.

So far I'm motivated to do this and it helps that my family joins me, they use the swimming pool while I am in class.

I need to take baby steps and not get frustrated if I don't see immediate results. At this point anything is an improvement over sitting down at the computer all day long. It helps that this class is made for cancer patients but in a "normal" gym setting. I've read in other places that even after years the women in some of these groups remain friends after many years since the class was over. That would be great if I can build a support network here in Orlando since I hardly know anyone outside my family.

This blog will help keep a record of how I am improving (if at all).

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Hello everyone:

I am writing this entry to repeat some of the things I've already shared and add one that is new. Yesterday, two nice ladies from a cleaning company came to my house and did house cleaning for me free of charge. That was thanks to the help from "Cleaning for a Reason" website that brings together cancer patients with companies such as the one that comes to my house and gives them 4 free house cleanings. So if you are struggling to keep your house tidy due to your diagnosis, or even if you are not struggling but need a respite, go to their website and apply for this "perk" that comes with CancerCard.

Another one of these "perks" is Lans Armstrong's "" program at the YMCA. This is a 12 week strength and cardio training free of charge for cancer patients at the local Y. I am starting this afternoon and can't wait I'm really excited. And while I train my family gets to use the Y's facilities free of charge! Again, if this is something that you might find helpful go to their website.

And finally, there's a new blog being started by fellow breast cancer patients called: Without trying to offend anyone, this blog is trying to raise awareness toward Stage 4-Metastatic Breast Cancer during the month of October. 30% of women diagnosed of breast cancer, regardless of stage, will go on to develop metastatic breast cancer for which there is no cure. Please visit the site and donate if you can.

On August 29th, I'm scheduled for a new PET scan, hopefully it will be stable like the last one. I feel fine and don't think there's been any progression but will have to see. Keep me in your thoughts please.

Yipee! This is my third post this month! Lots happening!

Bye for now.

Friday, August 8, 2014

I am so happy I could jump up and down! (If the bone mets allowed me). Due to my permanent disability my student loans have been discharged and the payments that I made since I became disabled are being returned to me! This is a cash fall out that I wasn't expecting and with that cash I bought myself plane tickets to Cancun which so happens to be where my parents live. I haven't seen them since 2010 when I went right after I finished chemo when I was /stage 2, Back then I even snorkeled in an underground cave river and even though I was bald and just two weeks out from chemo everything went well. Now I will see them after my Stage 4 diagnoses. I was in the hospital for 3 and half months last year and so my parents are glad they will be able to see me and reassure them that even through the diagnosis is not pretty but I am still alive and kicking!

This month is my birthday (on the 27th I will be 54) and so this is my birthday present to myself. My passport is expired so I have to renew it, THAT will be my daughter's birthday present to me! So, like I said I am happy, happy, happy. I can't wait for October. (Yes, my trip is not until October) The cheapest tickets I found had to be until October but I don't care, I can wait. I already told my parents and they are as happy as I am!

Like I said in another post, there are some "perks" that come with being a CancerCard cardholder. Hehe.
Although of course I would rather not have this horrible disease but I'll take anything positive that comes with it.


Saturday, August 2, 2014

Hi everybody, It's time for my monthly update, yesterday I had my Zometa infusion and everything went well, I keep reading about how some of my fellow breast cancer travelers keep getting awful side effects from the Zometa and I once again become humble and grateful that for me it hasn't been that bad.

Beginning with the initial Stage 2 diagnoses I had little problems, went through chemo and was able to continue working. The hardest was my three month hospital stay last year which wasn't even due to the cancer and this year when I ran out insurance and could not get my medicines almost drove me crazy, but now everything is back to the new normal me.

I saw my orthopedist and got a new referral for physical therapy, at a new location, hopefully this time I can get my leg operating better, I walk with a cane but I still limp. I am taking 800 mg of ibuprofen and is helping with the hip pain, the PT said that the pain is probably coming from limping (and I know Anastrozole can give joint pain), hopefully the therapy will help.

This coming Monday my family and I are going to the local YMCA to enroll in a 12 week program free of charge which is sponsored by for cancer patients. I will get 12 weeks of classes geared toward the cancer patient and my family will be able to use the Y's facilities free of charge! Go to Livestrong website for more information.

Another resource I found is "Cleaning For a Purpose" which offers a once a month general cleaning to your house for four months free of charge if you are a cancer patient. All you have to do is fill in the application and have your oncologist write a note saying you are under treatment for cancer. This will be a godsend for my daughter who has a full plate between going to Law School and looking after her 2 year old son and me. You can google their name to get more information.

At the end of this month I will be having a new PET scan which I insisted of getting. The last one was in February and it showed no progression and no activity, but I want to make sure the Anastrozole is still working, and if it is, I am not switching no matter what side effects I get.

I spend my days at the computer reading other bloggers and forums and support groups on breast cancer, it gives me so much information that I wish I had when I first became diagnosed in 2009. But it's never too late now I can be my own advocate if I need to, even though until now my oncologist and my medical team has been supportive and proficient.

I will let you know how the PET scan goes. Any readers I wish you peace and health.
