Friday, February 19, 2016

I'm back!

Sorry I haven't written anything since October last year (2015), the hip replacement surgery occurred on October 16th and a week later I was sent to a rehab center. However two weeks later I had to go back to the hospital because the wound was leaking a lot of water and blood to the point that the bed sheets were soaked. So they opened the wound under general anesthesia thinking that it was an infection which would have meant a longer stay in the hospital, fortunately it wasn't an infection it was just a seroma or accumulation of liquids. So a few days later I was sent home. So that brings me to December, in December my daughter went on a much needed vacation so my best friend from Mexico , her name is Alma, came to stay with me while my daughter was away.  Alma is a beautician and has taken courses in giving massages and so she "drained" the lymph nodes around the wound and finally the drain came off. I get physical therapy twice a week and I am already walking using the walker, I have no pain whatsoever and my leg has recovered an upright position. I am also getting chemo still and thankfully I don't have too many side effects. A little nausea now and then and fatigue, but altogether I feel quite well. Last Monday I had a bone scan to see if the chemo is working, the chemo I'm getting is called Abraxane. On Wednesday I had my yearly mammogram and next week Wednesday I will meet with my oncologist to see the results of those tests.

I am thankful that my treatments have not impacted my quality of life as I read of many others who suffer from severe side effects. I pray that I continue this way and that I may be able to stay around for as long as I possibly can.

I promise from today on I will resume keeping my blog updated in the chance that someone reads and benefits from it.



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