Thursday, February 19, 2015

Well, thank goodness the results of the colonoscopy are that I won't be needing another one in 10 years!!! Yey! That's absolutely great because I can't imagine going through that again any time soon. I mean don't get me wrong the procedure itself wasn't bad because the sedative they gave me totally knocked me out, but the clinic I was sent to scheduled my appointment at 9:45 am and the procedure did not take place until 1:30 pm! All that waiting without any food or water and even worse without any of my medications which include meds for bipolar disorder and I was already starting to feel really bad, but then it was over. Thank God.

I've continued exercising by going to the YMCA's Livestrong program for cancer patient. I usually do 30 min aerobic exercise in the machines and then 30 more in the weight bearing machines, plus 10 min of stretching, the instructors are great and even if I don't loose weight it raises my spirits immensely. Starting last week I also joined an aquatic aerobic class and that is so much fun!

On another note, my 82 year old father has been sick with anemia since December and feels weak and sleeps a lot. They treated him with B12 injections and iron injections and is now taking more iron in pill form but the doctor has said it may take months before he recovers. I don't want to be negative but I can't help feeling this is the "beginning of the end" for him and my mom, after all they're not going to live eternally. So my daughter decided that for her Spring Break from law school we will all go to Cancun to see my parents and we will be leaving next week Friday, February 27th, yippee!!

But before we leave, I decided to accept the insurance position on the PET scan because they are no budging and I really need to know if anything is going on with this cancer thing. So next week Wednesday I am getting a bone scan and on Thursday I am getting a CT scan. That way when we come back from our trip the results should be ready so that when I see my oncologist on March 10th, she should have the results.

I feel energized by the exercise and that gives me hope that the cancer continues to stay at bay. I am so excited to see my parents again and also do some sight seeing in Cancun and the Riviera Maya :-) It will be wonderful for my parents to finally meet their great grandson, my grandson Leandro.

Will try to type another entry next week after the scans. Thank you for reading.


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