Saturday, May 28, 2016

As promised here's the May's post. I am continuing on the Ibrance/Faslodex treatment and after just one cycle (21 Ibrance pills and 6 Faslodex shots) my tumor markers have gone down! So this means the treatment is working and I hope it will continue to do so for many months/years.

This treatment is what is called a "targeted" chemotherapy and therefore it attacks only the cancerous cells. This means my hair is growing back! It's being so long I don't remember what I look like with hair but I'm looking forwarded to it. Side effects are mild compared to Abraxane. I get a little nauseous but take Zofran and for the most part feel fine.

I went to see the Orthopedic doctor who did my hip replacement surgery and he took x-rays. Everything is in the right place and since I have no pain I will see him in 3 months and then every six and then once a year. I'm still getting physical therapy twice a week but it may be soon coming to an end since I've advanced as much as I can given the fact that the Orthopedic doctor has said he feels "more comfortable" if I continue walking with my walker "forever". So walking with a cane or by myself is not a goal he has for me and the PT can't keep me on forever without advancing goals.

It's been 2 years and 10 months since the mets were discovered during surgery to my femur and I'm still alive and kicking thank God. So I am positive to be able to continue to be around maybe for at least until the next grandchild comes along.

Well friends, that's all for now. Keep on keeping on.


Tuesday, May 3, 2016

This is my April entry I will write a second one t the end of May. The newest in treatment is that my tumor markers went up so my oncologist switched me from chemo to a new combo recently approved by the FDA. Ibrance which is a hormone inhibitor in pill form and Faslodex shots. I've been getting the Faslodex shots two at a time on my buttocks every two weeks. After the third cycle the shots will be once a month. The Ibrance (pills) are daily for 21 days and 7 days off. I am happy about this switch because it has less side effects and is supposed to be more effective.

The other news is that my dear daughter got married! She now has a complete family and my grandson now has his "daddy". I'm so happy for them!

This is going to be a short one, I promise to write more soon.
