Monday, June 9, 2014

I was finally able to get the meds for bipolar disorder which helped with the sweats and chills. I still don't have insurance and tomorrow I have my appointment at the cancer clinic for the IV injection for bone strength. Last time I went they asked for a $2 co-pay which I didn't have at the time. I don't know who they are billing now that I don't have insurance and I am afraid to ask because maybe they haven't realized the insurance is expired.

Last week I was so desperate that I called a friend in Texas and asked if I can come stay with him. That is because in Houston they have a program for uninsured patients. That program paid for my treatment when I was in stage 2. Over there they also have a mental health care agency that covered my treatments for bipolar for almost free.

When I first mentioned to my daughter that I wanted to move back to Texas she seemed disappointed because she thought I no longer want to be close to her and her baby, but nothing could be further from the truth. However, I do feel that she is getting tired to taking care of me, she gets annoyed about things that to me seem small, like I forgot to put the milk back in the refrigerator this morning, but I understand the stress of taking care of the house, the baby, her school work and me it's getting to be too much. So I might be moving to Houston in a few weeks.

Again, if anybody is reading, please leave a comment or suggestion. Thank you.


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